Monday, January 30, 2012

More photos from our trip to Twin Cities

Atlas was "flipping out" to get into the pool each day.

The first day at the museum the boys spent nearly an hour in the water engineering area.

My (me, Mom, Evy) favorite thing at the children's Museum - these giant beautifully painted fish "swimming" from the ceiling.  Lovely.
Crane operation - I wish I'd snapped a few more photos of this, we spent a lot of time at this one too.

Both boys sitting still, quietly.  

Atlas' photo idea, between Linus and Lucy.

Never ceases to amaze me how terrific these boys are! They appreciate being together as brothers, and are obviously happy to spend time altogether as a family, no matter where we are, or what we are doing.  We are blessed!

Family Trip

At the Children's Museum
By Atlas

Zander, my mom, my dad, Dude, Waylon and I all went on a trip to the twin cities. The twin cities are St. Paul and Minneapolis.  The 4 of us all got a huge suite.  Then we all settled down for 4 days.  It was great.  On the first day we went to a museum.  We got into the museum it was a children’s museum and it was humongous!  My mom, Zander and I where all there but my dad was at work.  We went inside the biggest room of all, there was a light room, a water area, and pretty big building area too, and of course we went to them all.  It was time to go eat so we ate.  I had a Salami sandwich and some juice that my mom packed for us.  Then we had to go so we went back to the car and drove to the hotel, or as Zander likes to call it hotello.  It was a long drive to the hotel so Zander fell asleep so we had to sit in the parking lot for 1 hour.  That part wasn’t fun.

Finally, my brother woke up. We went inside the hotel and relaxed for a bit.  I built lego cop cars and a criminal then we went swimming when my dad came to back.  I had a phobia of the pool drains.  Then we went to bed.  It was hard to sleep.  The next morning we woke up.  It was Wednesday.  We got up and went to enjoy our free breakfast.  Then, we went to the museum again.  My favorite part was the nature room.  After the we were done at the museum we walked to the park to see the ice sculptures but thee was only a wall of ice.  Then we walked all the way back to the car and drove to the hotel and of course Zander fell asleep again.  Then we went to pick up Dad.  We all went inside the hotel and ate our free dinner and then went swimming and then finally to sleep.
Me, reading with Lucy in the park. 

Me and Zander at the ice wall, Landmark Park, St. Paul.
Thursday we woke up and ate our breakfast in the hotel, it was great.  Next Dad went to work.  Zander, mom and I went to America’s biggest furniture store, IKEA.  We ate lunch there too.  Zander went to Small Land, and he said it was fun.  Then we went to the hotel and did arts and crafts.  Next, Dad came back and we went swimming.  Then I used something unbelievable but true.  I used my powers on Zander!!!  And I taught Zander how to swim in like 3 seconds at least.  I figured that if I wasn’t’ thinking about magic powers I could use them.  And that’s not the first time I’ve used them.  One time I got 1 hundred dollars from them.  On Washington Island I found a wallet that I liked and I found $100 in it.  I was even in the news paper, but it didn’t’ last long. 
Anyway, then we ate dinner and it was really good.  Then we all went to sleep.  I woke up at 6:11.  When I woke up I remembered something, I was going to the Mall of America!!! I couldn’t wait So, I got up right away and got my clothes on.  We were off to breakfast I ate as fast as I could.  I was eating like a starving pig.  Then we got in the car and drove to the Mall of America.  My dad, Zander and I got out of the car.  Mom would pick us up in an hour.  We went straight to the amusement park and rode some rides.  There was this one ride, it was a log ride it had 2 huge slopes like a waterfall.  I nearly was blown off of the ride.  Then our time was up so we packed back up in the car and drove home and as a result I had a great week.

We're going down!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rock it! (By Atlas)

Me and my brother Zander love rock parties.  we have one every Sunday.  We rock and rock and rock.  Me and Zander listen to Dee Snider, we also listen to Joan Jett.  I take off my shirt and Zander strips all the way down to his underwear and he puts on a cape and crazy wig.  Zander bangs his head and I move my feet to the beat.  Cool right? My dad is in them too. We fight him while we rock.  Sometimes I even do flips off the couch, it's fun.  LETS ROCK!
Video 6/2011

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Three days in

“How’s homeschooling going?” Three days in, and already I’ve been asked this question several times.  My answer: not sure.  

If I remain positive and objective, it would appear we’ve already made progress despite lack of official curriculum.  Atlas is a proficient writer, and enjoys doing it.  He’s spent more time than I ever dreamed of doing math problems and multiplication drills.  A half hour here and a half hour there throughout the day add up quickly.  We’ve read three Roald Dahl (The BFG, Esio Trot and George’s Marvelous Medicine) books that the children adored and several other picture books.

On an emotional level I’m all over the place.  There are moments when I swear there is no a chance I can go on one more minute.  For instance after we left our neighbors house for a coffee/playdate and Zander threw a punching-name calling-pushing-screaming tantrum that went on for nearly 45 minutes after we got home.  Simultaneously, asked Atlas to continue on the math work we’d started prior to leaving and he got sassy.  I’ve never been good at multi-tasking when someone is screaming at me and this was no exception.  I swore I was done right then.  But, the moments when we are all three working at the table on different projects or discussing real ideas or listening to Atlas read his page long “biography” on his brother or reading together for an hour straight on the couch; in these moments I am more sure about the importance and fabulousness of what I am doing than just about anything else in the world.

My need to take each day, moment by moment is eminent.  Breathing and remembering that in a year I will probably laugh at whatever makes me furious now is crucial to homeschool survival. The moments when I can laugh are moments when we all win. 

Here is an example of one of those winning moments I just had:
Atlas was at work at the table picking out another science experiment to complete.  Zander went to the bathroom to fill his water cup to get a drink.  After a few minutes passed I went to check on Zander and found a soaked towel, water sprayed all over the mirror and the sink full.  “I’m doing science experiments.  I put the water up my nose and then I can spit it out.”  

Monday, January 16, 2012

First Homeschool Day

Atlas, writing, writing, writing...

When you are 3, it is a good idea to wear eye protection while watercolor painting.

Writing assignment: Being Beneda

As part of a first writing assignment, Atlas was asked to write a short paragraph for the blog on what being a Beneda means to him. Here is what he wrote:
"Being a Beneda means mostly just fun to me, but if I really think about it, it means a lot more.  My brother Zander is funny and loves me, my dad, or Chad is funny too.  I love him a lot.  Next is my mom, Evy, she means a lot to me, and after that is me Atlas.  I'm 9 years old and I love to play alone or with friends.  We all love eachother very much.  And sometimes we do stuff really fun together like have a rock party or go to a water park and more.  I got my name from Atlas the God.  My 3 year old brother Zander got his name from Alexander the Great.  We are a great family.  Benedas rule!!!"       -Atlas    


Finding Rhythm in a Paradigm Shift

Although we worked this weekend on various subjects (Atlas was eager to "start" homeschooling) for several hours a day, today was our first official day home from school.  Drawing on advice from so many other homeschoolers, we started our day with the chore list.  Day 3 of our chore schedule and I'm finding it all to irresistible to constantly remind Atlas to get back on track and do his chores as he slowly maneuvers through them.  It makes me all too aware how proficient I've become at nagging.  How do I break this habit?  This is not how I want to influence him.  I know in the long run it will be easier (and most importantly satisfying, confidence enhancing) for him, and myself if I allow him to go them done on his own without constant nagging or doing parts of them for him.  The same goes for finding rhythm within the studies, perhaps it is not so much what I do or how I teach but instead what I don't do or teach.  I already feel the strong urge to hammer through as much information and make as much progress as possible.  Is that what I am really trying to achieve?  Will getting through more books, worksheets, math lessons, etc, equate learning retention, progress or wisdom?  I don't know.  I do know that the way Chad and I think about school and how we raise our children has evolved over the last several years.  This is our attempt at bringing our thoughts and actions a little closer together.  I look forward to a more rhythmic, organized "smooth and easy" version of today!

Our Blog

We are a family of diverse thought.  We strive to open our minds and experience new things, thoughts and challenges. We do these things together, as a family, and work to support one another through it all. Lately, our journey has led us to the world of homeschooling. This blog will attempt to chronicle our homeschool adventure as mother, student and family through the good, the great and even the ugly moments.