My brother and I eating lunch at Percy Johnson Park |
Today we looked at how seeds travel. Seeds travel by water, air and animal. There are 2 ways seeds travel by animal. 1. They eat the seeds then poop it out then, it grows into whatever it is meant to grow into. 2. The seeds get stuck to the fur of the animal and then drop off somewhere else. Sometimes seeds float to other places and some seeds shoot out of the plant pods.
Walking along the beach. |
Pumping water and drinking at the same time! |
See the 2 fuzzy cat tails sticking out of the cart? |
We rode our bikes to Percy Johnson's Park and ate lunch there. At Percy Johnson's Park there were rocks and it turned out to be a beach. It was a bit mucky. We saw most of the seed stuff on the way back so I'll tell you what we saw. We saw cat tails, so I went into the water and grabbed one for me and one for Zander. We talked about how the seeds traveled. I had some cat tail fluff stuck to my pants so that means they travel by animal fur. Then I saw some cattail fluff floating above my head. That means they travel by air too. Then I saw some cattail fluff floating around in the water, that was cool. That's 3 ways the cat tail seeds travel! Then we also saw another kind of tree that had seeds that looked like fuzzy caterpillars. They were all over the ground. It looked like they traveled by animal. The reason I think they are disguised as caterpillars was to attract birds and animals to eat them and be pooped out somewhere else to grow into whatever kind of tree they were supposed to be. We also saw 2 wood peckers, 1 big spider, 1 pussy willow tree (a pussy willow is a tree that has soft seeds at the end of its branches) and that's all. I had a great day. I loved it because I learned a lot about how seeds travel. My legs were tired but it was worth it. 4/4/12
Atlas - I ate some blackberries this morning for breakfast. What will that mean for the future of those seeds? (Maybe don't think too hard about this one...) You know, those great raspberry bushes near the garden were most likely spread by birds who sat on the fence. Without those birds, we'd have no raspberries! *** I'm glad you had a great day on your bike ride to the East Side. Its amazing what you can learn when you start to look around you. Love, Papa